an Educator’s guide to the wolf

Recently I was approached by Jewish comics scholar and academic, Dr Matt Reingold, with the idea of producing an educator’s guide to The Wolf of Baghdad.

Dr Reingold teaches Jewish history and literature in a Canadian high school and had just begun teaching the Wolf in his own 10th Grade class last year. Noticing that some of his fellow teachers weren’t sure how to incorporate a graphic novel into their lessons, he thought a guide that gave teachers background information on how to read one would be a good idea and that it should incorporate historical background as well.

As it is #WorldBookDay, I am happy to announce that the educator’s guide for the Wolf is now available as a free PDF that can be used in classes and reading groups studying the book. Included in the guide is a series of activities that teachers can use and adapt for their own classrooms. It can be downloaded from the Wolf‘s page on Myriad Editions‘ website.

If you would like the PDF for your own website, or know of a school or educational institution that might be interested in having the Wolf on their curriculum, please contact me via this blog.

Many thanks are due to Dangoor Education, in memory of Sir Naim Dangoor, for providing funding and support for this guide.

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